Honeydew Melon Soup with Cured Ham

In the heat of a crazy 42° Celsius summer day when I was living in Bilbao a decade back, I was browsing some Spanish cooking blogs and found an irresistible recipe by Ana from menorcana.com: melon soup. It’s served chilled, and sounded refreshing.

It tastes much like the classic Italian melon and ham, but then in liquid form. Perfect for summers - or for bright sunny days like today (she writes as the sunshine pours in through freshly washed windows).

Ingredients (serves 2):
400 honeydew melon
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
salt and pepper
2 strips Parma or Serrano ham, or 2 rashers bacon

1. Cut the peel off the lemon and slice into chunks. Throw into a blender and purée until smooth. Add lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste, then place in the fridge until chilled.

2. Fry the cured ham or bacon until the strips are crunchy. Put aside on kitchen paper to get rid of the excess grease and let cool.

3. Pour the melon 'soup' into the glasses. Slice the strips of Parma or Serrano ham lengthwise so you get thinner strips, and place in the glasses standing up.

Honeydew Melon Soup withCured Ham


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